是# StormSafe


澳门线上真人博彩官网致力于员工的安全, 客户和社区-特别是在恶劣天气期间.

在风暴季节,澳门线上真人博彩官网知道澳门线上真人博彩官网可能面临来自多个来源的无数危险. But the Tampa Bay area doesn’t have to experience a named storm to encounter hazardous conditions. 暴雨、洪水、风暴潮、强风和闪电随时可能发生. 而且,你不必住在海边. Inland areas are also at risk. That’s why it’s essential that you know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from danger.

To help you stay safe, 澳门线上真人博彩官网收集了关于常见恶劣天气安全问题的重要提示和资源. 澳门线上真人博彩官网敦促您查看此信息. Make it a priority to prepare early, monitor emergency officials for the latest weather conditionsm and use extreme caution during and after storms and severe weather.

We also recommend visiting our 风暴中心 and downloading our Hurricane Brochure 提供有关安全及应对恶劣天气的实用资源及提示.

恶劣天气 安全

Knowledge is power. Be #StormWise when it comes to severe weather – know what to do and when to do it before it’s too late. 当遇到暴风雨时,遵循这些建议可以获得最好的结果.


制定计划 Icon

创建一个 紧急救援计划 for loved ones and employees. 一定要为你的宠物和牲畜制定计划.

打包你的装备 Icon

包你的 Hurricane Preparedness Kit and be ready to go at any time. 检查收音机、手电筒和电池,收集不易腐烂的食物.


如果您依赖家用电动医疗设备,请注册澳门线上真人博彩官网医学观察 项目和佛罗里达州的特殊需要登记处 FloridaDisaster.org.

参加医疗观察不提供优先恢复, 延长付款选项或保证不间断服务.


使用一个 NOAA weather alert radio 监测风暴更新和紧急通知.


Prepare your home and business.

Turn refrigerators and freezers to their coldest settings; consider making blocks of ice and storing them in coolers; sanitize the bathtub and fill it with water. 访问 food and water safety for more information.

防止伤害 Icon

如果窗户或门破裂,保护您的贵重物品和家具免受损坏, 用塑料盖住它们,然后把它们移到房间的中央, away from windows.


关闭电源 Icon

关掉不必要的电器和电子产品, 或者拔掉插头, 以确保它们在暴风雨中不受浪涌的影响.

  • 如果你要长时间离开家,关掉主断路器的电源.
Prepare For Power Icon
Prepare For Power

如果发生停电,为家里的电力恢复做好准备. To help avoid damage, wait 5 to 10 minutes before turning appliances and electronics back on after the power is restored. This puts less stress on the power system and ensures all customers get restored without unnecessary delays.

  • 确保炉子上没有可燃物品, no small electronics left on, 或者其他潜在的危险情况.
  • 关掉 as many appliances as possible that require electricity and turn them on individually after power is restored.
Repair Meter Damage Icon
Repair Meter Damage

If 你的住宅电表系统 is damaged due to severe weather, 澳门网上真人赌博官网将修复服务线路, connections and the electric meter. Individual customers are responsible for repairing equipment related to the delivery of electric service to the home. 持牌电工应修理任何损坏的部件.

Check for Leaks Icon

Be aware of potential gas leaks. 如果你闻到臭鸡蛋的味道,这可能表明天然气泄漏. Move as far away as possible. 呼叫 911 then Peoples Gas at 877-832-6747.

在暴风雨或疏散期间,你可以开着天然气. 虽然你可以关掉煤气用具的供应阀, 只有有资质的人员才能操作主阀. 引航灯问题应由持牌水管工或电器技术员解决.

闪电 安全

你知道佛罗里达是美国的雷击之都吗? 平均每85英里有110次闪电. 不幸的是, 雷击在暴风雨季节更常见,尤其是在恶劣天气期间. 记住,如果你听到雷声,那么闪电就在十英里之内. 看到闪电和听到雷声之间的时间间隔越短, the closer the lightning is to you. Protect yourself and your loved ones from dangerous lightning by following these safety tips during a storm.

寻求庇护 Icon

如果遇到闪电,请远离露天场所寻求庇护. 有金属顶棚的低洼地区、房屋、大型建筑或汽车中的避难所. 远离门,保持窗户关闭.


雷暴时不要躲在树下、电线或电线杆下. If you can’t find shelter, crouch down and put your feet together, with your hands over your ears.

避免水 Icon

如果你在水里看到闪电, get out as quickly as possible. Do not boat, fish engage in water-related activities or touch water when lightning is present.

别碰 Icon

When lightning’s in the area, 不要接触任何金属物品,如汽车, 电线, 栅栏, 机械, 汽车, golf equipment and carts, bicycles and 电动工具.

Find A Sturdy Shelter Icon
Stay Far From Tornados

Find a sturdy shelter. 搬到最低层的室内房间,避免门窗.


关掉, 拔掉, and stay away from appliances, 耳机, landline telephones, 电脑, 电动工具, 和电视. 闪电可以击中外部电线和电话线,并对内部设备造成冲击.

电力线路 安全

电气危险随时随地都可能发生. Stay safe around 电线 and other electrical hazards by following these tips, downloading our 电力线路 安全 flyer 并参观电气安全基金会 电力线路 安全 网站.

Avoid 电力线路s Icon
Avoid 电力线路s

尽量远离电线! 总是假设倒下的电线通电. 他们不需要砰砰作响来获得能量. 从来没有接触 电线, 或者任何接触到电线的人或物,比如树枝, 栅栏, vehicle or even water. 如果你看到倒下的电线,请打电话 888-223-0800.

小心驾驶 Icon

drive over downed 电线. 如果电源线接触到车辆的任何部分, stay inside and tell others to stay away until the line is safely removed and power is turned off. 如果你因为有生命危险而必须下车, touch the car while getting out. 跳出车外,双脚着地. 当你的脚着地时,拖着脚步或跳着离开车到一个安全的地方. 当你的脚着地时,身体的任何部分都不能接触到汽车.

Look Before You Trim Icon
Look Before You Trim

修剪接触或靠近电线的树木或植被. 只有合格的树木承包商才能修剪电线周围的树木. 使用澳门线上真人博彩官网的在线服务 tree trimming form 报告可能干扰电力供应的树枝.


在电力线附近放飞无人机或其他物体. 如果一个物体与电线纠缠在一起, try to retrieve it. 呼叫 911 then call 坦帕电 at 877-588-1010.

精力充沛的太阳能 Icon

把太阳能电池板当作电力线. 避免掉落/损坏的太阳能电池板、电线和组件. 假设它们像电力线一样通电. 待在尽可能远的地方,然后打电话 911 寻求帮助.

Mark Buried 电力线路s

避免地下电线造成伤害. 无论你是在计划一个自己动手的项目还是雇佣一个专业人士,打电话给他们 811 或访问 Sunshine811.com 挖掘前至少2个工作日. 为了您的安全,地下输电线将免费做标记.

Stay Away from 电力线路s

发电机 安全

Portable generators can be a lifesaver during a 停电 but are deadly if not used properly. 它们会造成火灾、一氧化碳中毒和触电的威胁. We urge you to follow these tips and read all the information provided by your generator manufacturer before use. You may also visit FEMA’s 发电机 安全 web网站 for more information.

Fixed or Permanent 发电机s Icon
Fixed or Permanent 发电机s

It is acceptable to use fixed or permanent standby generators during a power interruption that are installed by a licensed electrician and include a double-throw transfer switch. A properly installed transfer switch helps protect lineworkers by isolating the generator from the main electric grid to prevent backfeeding.

Use Outside Icon
Portable 发电机s

将便携式发电机连接到家庭电路上. 将电器直接插入发电机. 将便携式发电机连接到家庭电路可能会导致电力流向外部线路, 对修复人员构成威胁.

operate portable generators indoors, in closed garages, near AC ducts, or in other enclosed areas. Portable generators operated in a residence or enclosed space can create deadly carbon monoxide gas.


Watch for Lineworkers

  • 请注意公用事业人员,当工作人员在您的区域时,请关闭发电机. 电线上的电力负荷对维修人员来说是危险的.


  • 在雨中运行一个没有遮盖的便携式发电机. 在干燥的室外操作,以避免触电的威胁.

使用一个n Electrician

  • 请电工来修理发电机. 从来没有 attempt to repair it yourself.
  • 安装固定或备用应急发电机时,一定要有持证电工.


  • 始终按照制造商的说明,以确保安全和正确的操作.
  • To avoid electrocution, 使用重型电源将单个电器插入发电机, 室外额定电线,其线规足以满足电器负载.
  • 将便携式发电机直接连接到断路器面板上, 保险丝盒或仪表盒,因为它可能对公用线路工人造成危险.
  • 让儿童和宠物远离发电机.
小心火灾 Icon
  • 遵守所有地方,州和国家的电气和消防规范.
  • 将汽油储存在经批准的燃料容器中,并置于儿童够不到的地方.
  • 有一个充满电的、额定正确的灭火器(i.e.(适用于电气和燃气火灾)随时准备就绪.
  • 从来没有 发电机运行时,给发电机补充燃料.


在恶劣天气下,洪水和风暴潮是巨大的威胁. 它们可以破坏财产并造成危及生命的状况. 保护你所爱的人和事, and prepared for, flooding during severe weather. 访问国家气象局 Flood 安全 page for additional resources.

Avoid Flood Waters Icon
Avoid Flood Waters

远离洪水和风暴潮. 它们可以隐藏通电的电线和其他危险. 等到洪水退去再出去. 

If rising water threatens your home – or if you evacuate your home – turn off your power at the main switch (circuit breaker panel or fuse box) in case water enters your home.

Hire a Professional Icon
Hire a Professional

如果你的家或公司被洪水淹没, 坦帕电 can only reconnect power once the electrical system has been inspected by a licensed electrician. If there is damage, an electrician will need to make necessary repairs and obtain certification from your local building inspection authority before power can be restored.

Care In Flood Waters Icon
Get an Inspection

如果你的车辆被淹没在水里,这可能是一个安全隐患. 不要将车辆存放在室内或靠近其他车辆. 是否有授权的维修技术人员检查是否有可能引起火灾的损坏.

了解你的领域 Icon

访问 your county’s emergency management web网站 to determine your flood and hurricane evacuation zones, get flood depth data, and flood insurance information, 或者帮助居民进行财产防洪.

关闭电源 Icon
  1. 当你长时间离开家的时候, or if flooding is imminent, 趁家里还干的时候关掉电源. Flip each circuit breaker off one at a time and then turn off the main circuit breaker to avoid a fire hazard.
  2. 如果您的断路器盒位于外面或在一个有水的房间, do NOT turn off the power yourself. 联系你的公用事业公司,让他们关闭电表处的电源.
  3. 当你在洪水后回家时,不要自己打开电源. 让有执照的电工检查你的房子并重新接通你的电路.
Home 洪水 Icon

If your home or business has flooded, follow these safety tips to reduce your risk of electrocution:

  • 站在水里时不要触摸任何电器或电器.
  • 不要触摸任何与水接触的电器.
  • 不要进入任何水已经超过电源插座的地方.
  • 小心任何电线可能在水下的区域.
  • 在技术人员检查并确定安全之前,不要将湿电器插上电源.
避免充电 Icon

If your EV has been submerged in water, do NOT attempt to drive it or connect it to charging! Check the manufacturer's guidelines to make sure it is safe to charge your EV in wet conditions.

保持干燥 Icon

Water and electricity don't mix! 不 touch wet electrical equipment such as transformers, circuit breaks, fuses, 电线, wiring, etc., 或用湿手使用或触摸湿电器, in or near water, 或者站在潮湿的地面上.

Electric Vehicle 安全

随着电动汽车(ev)的普及, 了解它们在恶劣天气下独特的安全隐患是至关重要的. 如果您有电动汽车,请注意以下安全提示.

Electric Vehicle 安全 Icon
Electric Vehicles
  • Fully charge your electric vehicle (EV) before severe weather to prepare for potential 停电s. Adjust your vehicle’s daily charging limit to 100% to allow for the maximum driving range if it’s currently set to 80% as recommended by most manufacturers.
  • 把你的电动汽车停在一个安全的地方,远离可能被洪水淹没的地方.
  • 避免在恶劣天气给电动汽车充电,以防止电气危险. 确保您的充电设备在不使用时断开连接并安全存放.
  • 在使用电动汽车之前,检查电动汽车是否损坏或进水.
  • 如果你的电动汽车浸在水里,可能会有安全隐患. Do not try to start it. Have it inspected by an authorized service technician for any damage that could pose a risk of fire.
  • Follow all manufacturer safety recommendations if you export power from your EV to run home appliances during a 停电. 记住,这样做会减少你的电动汽车的行驶里程.
  • Monitor your EV manufacturer’s online resources and mobile apps for important information and tips.

Additional 资源

访问 these helpful 网站s for additional information on severe weather and hurricane preparation, recovery and emergency information.





If you or a loved one have special needs and require help locating a shelter or transportation, 主要是在与风暴有关的紧急情况下, now is the time to contact your county’s emergency management agency to arrange 寻求帮助.

A statewide registry provides emergency management agencies and first responders with valuable information about your special needs and to prepare and respond to disasters and other emergencies. 你的所有信息都是保密的. 访问 FloridaDisaster.org 了解更多信息或联系您所在地区的特殊需求登记处.
